Tips for Chicken Roast


Tips for a Parfect Chicken Roast

A simple recipe right? Those of you who have already prepared it have told me that all the advice is of great help for a great result.

And it is that it is not only to put it in the oven and wait as most do. To make a good roast chicken, with a crispy crust and juicy breasts, you only have to take a few tricks into account and you will have a truly perfect roast.

  • Do you like the flavor in your recipes? , the dressing is important. Salt, thyme, the taste of garlic and black pepper is enough to make the chicken just right. It is also important to season the interior with salt and pepper, because this seasoning will go directly to the meat, especially the breast. A perfect solution is to spread it with a little extra virgin olive oil, mix it with water and spices that you like best and spread all over (inside and out). And finally, let it rest for a few hours before going into the oven.

  • What chicken should we use? I recommend a free-range chicken from my land, Ourense. At home we usually buy free-range chicken, like the ones at home,

  • A lemon inside?  The old granny trick does work. I also advise you to place an onion cut into 2 halves, it not only adds flavor and moisture, it will also be delicious later as a side dish.


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